Is my NBN Connection Slow?
Does your internet seem slow? Are you paying your internet provider for a particular NBN speed but you’re not sure if that is what you are getting? Do you wonder what you should be able to do with that speed?…
Windows 7 is finishing. Here are your 3 options.
You may have heard friends and family talking about Windows 7 ending soon. Possibly you’re also getting messages popping up on your computer warning you about it. No, it’s not fake news – I can confirm that Microsoft…
Top 5 NBN Problems Explained
One of the most common requests we get from clients these days is to “please just make everything work again” immediately after their internet provider has switched them over to the National Broadband Network (NBN). (If you haven’t yet got…
What Can You Do About a Slow Computer?
Slow computers infuriate people and waste time. So what do you do if yours is moving along at a snail’s pace? You have two options: 1.Make it snappy One of the most frequent requests we get from clients is to…
5 Things to Know Before You Get the NBN
Below, I’m listing 5 important things to look out for in regards to the NBN. We hope you find this useful and if you know others you think may get value from it, feel free to pass it on. But please do…
Windows 10: To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade!
Anyone using Windows 7 or 8.1 has probably been hassled by their computer a time or two since the pending release of Windows 10 was announced at the start of June. You’ve probably noticed a small Microsoft symbol (the stylised,…
Smart Devices Could Put Online Security At Risk
Experts suggest that almost all of our technologies will be connected by the internet or link with other technology over a network within the next twenty years. Smart devices will soon feature even more heavily in our daily lives, performing…